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Alibaba Prevails in Domain Name Dispute


The Alibaba Group wins a domain name dispute case when the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC) ordered the defendants to transfer the domain name in question alibabagroup.com, alimamagroup.com, alimamanet.com, alimama.info to Alibaba.

Alibaba had registered alibaba trademark in some countries, and it has become a well-known online B2B marketplace since its foundation in 1999. The other plaintiff Alimama Company is a wholly funded company of Alibaba, and it registered alimama trademark after its foundation in 2007. 

The plaintiff claims that the 4 domain names, which registered in March, September and January 2007, lead to consumer confusion. The plaintiff then requires transferring because the defendants registered them in a bad faith.

The defendants argue that the 4 domain names did not constitute infringement to alibaba on account of its difference in words and implication. After consideration, the ADNDRC made the above order. (China IP News ) 

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